Sunday, October 16

50 Tweetable Truths about Women in Belgium

It's been a while since my last blog post. September is usually a tough month with the release of the Print Audience Study (always on September 15th). But this year was particular: besides analysis on the evolution of the Print Audience Study, I have this other beautiful and interesting project at work: the project I'm every WOMAN with the announcement and launch of #Femininsight .

#Femininsight is so much more than another quantitative research. Some 3.000 Belgian women, aged between 15 and 75 years, were surveyed about their daily life and media consumption behavior (in February - May 2011). Enriched with facts and figures about beauty, fashion and food. But the cherry on the cake - in my point of view - is the specific typology that describes 6 different types of women. It's a powerful and inspirational tool for marketeers and creative people.

You could probably write a book with all the information included in this research. But I've started with a PowerPoint presentation. But one with a feminine - practical- and viral touch; summarizing more than 50 facts and figures about women's daily life in less than 140 characters.

My specific task on this project is to feed @iewoman and monitor this account. I will also regularly add new information through this blog and the corporate website of the media sales house of Sanoma Media Belgium, my employer. Enjoy and don't hesitate to spread the word :-)

1 comment:

  1. Good Statistics! This data can be very useful to Belgium Online Marketing companies or organizations whose target-audience is women in Belgium. This would be very useful to organizations that are consumer goods.
